Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Tumbbad : The Demon Within

#Tumbbad  :  We live in times when the line between greed and aspiration has been conveniently blurred . In fact, greed is being peddled in the guise of aspiration. The ability to grow infinitely in a finite world is what defines the modern man living in a moribund society. Generations have succumbed to it . Yet Man refuses to learn from it and continues to die or turn just into a survivor trying to fulfil his American dream. His quest to quench his materialistic desire continues to dominate most part of his existence.  I remember in Nolan’s “The Prestige” Robert Angier, a magician played by Hugh Jackman visits the home of Nikola Tesla , played by David Bowie in the hope that Tesla would build him a cloning device. Tesla asked Angier if he had considered the cost of such a machine. Angier nonchalantly responded that Price is not an issue to which Tesla retorted back that may be price is not but has he considered the COST. May be mankind need to ask that question. May be mankind is afraid of asking it, may be they are tuned into herds and have lost the ability to think radical  or may be in a world where greed is not only good but celebrated as glorious its not even a pertinent question to ask .  And the premise of Tumbbad is based on greed and the consequences of it.

Visually stunning and mysterious ,Tumbbad starts with Gandhi’s famous quote about the world having enough for everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed and sets the ball rolling. The story spans for around thirty years between 1918 to 1947 covering three generations of a family and their increasing greed. Director Anil Barve has beautifully merged his narrative with the mythological story of Hastar to drive home his point. The screenplay is divided into three chapters that tells the story of Vinayak and his family. Tumbbad is poignant and philosophical.  The imagery is breath-taking.  The contrasting visuals throughout the film make the narrative rich and the tension palpable. The back ground score add on to the atmosphere . The performances are uniform. It is a film that will force you to contemplate .  
Tumbbad is mysteriously magical and shows a mirror to each one of us . May be that is why it is promoted as an horror film as truth is always scary . It is one of the finest films that I have seen this year . Watch it on the big screen . Discover the inner demon . Kill the Haster inside you . Afterall there is no end to greed and the consequences are for all to see . May be a small, slow simple life isn’t  a passé , at least not yet .

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